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Celebrating Southern Appalachian Food: Recipes & Stories from Mountain Kitchens

Celebrating Southern Appalachian Food: Recipes & Stories from Mountain Kitchens

by Jim Casada and Tipper Pressley

from the publisher

High country cooking fit to grace any table. Southern Appalachia has a rich culinary tradition. Generations of passed down recipes offer glimpses into a culture that has long been defined, in considerable measure, by its food. Take a journey of pure delight through this highland homeland with stories of celebrations, Sunday dinners and ordinary suppers. The narrative material and scores of recipes offered here share a deep love of place and a devotion to this distinctive cuisine. The end result is a tempting invitation, in the vernacular of the region, to "pull up a chair and take nourishment." Authors Jim Casada and Tipper Pressley, both natives of the region, are seasoned veterans in sharing the culinary delights of the southern highlands.

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Original Publisher
The History Press
Date of publication