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A New System Of Domestic Cookery

A New System Of Domestic Cookery

by Maria Rundell

from the publisher

A New System of Domestic Cookery, first published in 1806 by Maria Rundell (1745 – 1828), was the most popular English cookbook of the first half of the nineteenth century; it is often referred to simply as "Mrs Rundell", but its full title is A New System of Domestic Cookery: Formed Upon Principles of Economy; and Adapted to the Use of Private Families.

Mrs Rundell has been called "the original domestic goddess"[a] and her book "a publishing sensation" and "the most famous cookery book of its time". It ran to over 67 editions; the 1865 edition had grown to 644 pages, and earned two thousand guineas [Wikipedia]

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Original Publisher
J. Murray and J. Harding
Date of publication

Recommended by

Annie Gray

Food historian