Oyster and Rice Soup

Kaki ZōSui

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


Appears in
An American Taste of Japan

By Elizabeth Andoh

Published 1985

  • About

Another thick rice soup, this one with more refined overtones than the previous recipe, for homey chicken-and-rice soup. Although this recipe, too, is an excellent way to use leftover cooked rice, the inclusion of fresh, plump oysters is slightly extravagant.


  • cups cooked rice; leftovers are perfect
  • about 1 dozen freshly shucked oysters with their liquor, <


Place the cooked rice in a fine-meshed strainer and rinse under cold water until each grain is separated and no longer gummy. Drain the rice well until no water drips from the strainer.

Pour off and reserve any natural juice (liquor) from the oysters. Sprinkle ½ teaspoon of salt on the oyster