Elderberry Jelly

Preparation info
  • Yield: approx.


    jelly jars
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Amish Canning & Preserving

By Laura Anne Lapp

Published 2019

  • About

You can do the first four steps of this recipe the evening before actually making the jelly.


  • 3 pounds elderberries
  • 4 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 packag


  1. To make fresh elderberry juice, wash the elderberries well and remove from stems.
  2. Heat in a large saucepan with just enough water to prevent scorching.
  3. Line a stainless-steel colander with several layers of cheesecloth and set over a bowl.
  4. Let drip undisturbed for 2 hours minimum or overnight.
  5. In a large saucepan, whisk lemon juice