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Bulghur Wheat Salad with Carrot, Date and Pomegranate

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Appears in
Autumn and Winter Cooking with a Veg Box (Riverford Companions)

By Guy Watson

Published 2015

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To remove pomegranate seeds (if you are using them), cut the fruit in half crossways, turn each half upside down and lightly bash with a rolling pin over a bowl. The white membrane is bitter, so pick out any pieces that fall in. Bulghur grains are pre-cooked and cracked so can be quickly prepared by soaking in hot liquid. For salads, medium or fine grain usually work best.



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Alison Stattersfield
from United Kingdom

I now have bulgur wheat as a store cupboard basic and so it's good to try out some different recipes. This one is a bit like a winter version of the Lebanese tabbouleh salad recipe.

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