Olive Bread from Nice

Preparation info
  • Makes


    25-30 cm loaf
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Nick Malgieri's Bread

By Nick Malgieri

Published 2012

  • About

O lives are a natural complement to bread, especially when they’re baked inside it. Be sure to buy firm unpitted olives for this - pitted olives tend to be softer, and though buying them that way may save you time, the olives will disintegrate and add extra moisture to the dough.


  • 375 g room-temperature tap water, about 24°C
  • ½ teaspoon fine granulated active dried yeast or instant yeast


  1. Pour the water into a 3-litre or slightly larger mixing bowl and whisk in the yeast. Wait 30 seconds, then whisk again.
  2. Combine the flour and salt and use a large rubber spatula to stir the flour mixture into the liquid. Scrape the side of the bowl to make sure that no flour remains stuck there. Once the dough is a coherent mass, beat it for a few seconds. Cove