Chiu Chow Lo Soi Duck

Chiu Chow Lo Soi Op

Preparation info
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Eileen Yin-fei Lo's New Cantonese Cooking

By Eileen Yin-Fei Lo

Published 1988

  • About

If any dish can be considered quintessentially Chiu Chow, it is this. And it is important because of the sauce, the lo soi, which is the Chiu Chow’s “Master Sauce.” Once a duck, a goose, or a chicken is cooked in lo soi, that sauce becomes the lo soi for the next duck, and so on. Lo soi is a sauce without end, its flavorings and spices replenished only sporadically. What I have prepared is a duck in lo soi. Once you have cooked it, the remaining sauce, the