The Mary Greene

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Appears in
The Cheese Biscuit Queen Tells All: Recipes, Remembrances, and a Little Riotous Behavior

By Mary Martha Greene

Published 2021

  • About

While we are all capable of fixing our own cocktails, isn’t it nice to sit back every once in a while, rattle the ice in your glass, and have some nice, young gentleman get up and fix it for you?


  • Crushed ice
  • ounces bourbon
  • ½ teaspoon freshly squeezed lime juice


Per Johnny’s instructions: Begin with a 10-ounce sterling-silver mint julep cup. Half fill the cup with the crushed ice. Combine the bourbon, lime juice, and bitters in the cup and then add the cherry and cherry syrup. Stir with a sterling-silver iced teaspoon. Fill to the top with the diet ginge