Red Mullet Fillets with Red Lentil Salsa

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Appears in
Classic Bull

By Stephen Bull

Published 2001

  • About

Does anyone use red lentils any more? I think they make a pleasant change from the earthy little numbers from Le Puy, and not just because of their colour. They have an understated character which carries other flavours well, as in this simple dish. It doesn’t need anything else to go with it.


  • 250 g red lentils, picked over and washed
  • ½ a red pepper
  • ½ a yellow pepper


Simmer the unsoaked lentils in unsalted water for about 20 minutes. They must still be al dente so check them during the last few minutes. Drain them and refresh in cold water. Drain again well when they are cold and pour into a bowl. Core and deseed the peppers, cutting out the ribs and removing as much of the skin as you can with a sharp knife or potato peeler, and cut into 1cm dice. Make a c