Untempered Chocolate for Dipping or Streaking Cookies

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Cookies Unlimited

By Nick Malgieri

Published 2000

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If you wish to avoid tempering chocolate, I think it is easy to add a little oil to good quality chocolate. The oil helps to stabilize the cocoa butter crystals, which are what make untempered chocolate turn that unappealing gray color after it sets.


  • 2 teaspoons mild vegetable oil
  • 4 ounces best quality bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, melted and cooled<


  1. Stir the oil into the chocolate. If the chocolate has cooled to the point of setting, reheat it over some hot water to soften again before using.
  2. Keep any leftovers tightly covered at a cool room temperature. To reuse, reheat over warm water to liquefy.