55 Freshwater Crayfish Paupiettes with Thyme

Preparation info
  • For


    • Difficulty


Appears in

By Michel Guérard

Published 1978

  • About

Paupiettes d’écrevisses au thym et aux choux de Bruxelles ‘Little parcels of shellfish redolent of river and garden’


Main ingredients

  • 750 g (1 lb 10½ oz) live freshwater crayfish or about 2


Cooking the crayfish

  1. Heat the oil in the sauté pan. Throw in the crayfish or Dublin Bay prawns and let them fry and colour, covered, for 6 minutes.
  2. Remove the pan from the heat and remove the crayfish with a slotted spoon. Put them on a plate. Remove and shell the tails and keep them until needed.
