Artichauts à la Barigoule I

Artichokes Stuffed with Herbs, Carrots, and Ham and Simmered in Wine and Vegetables

Preparation info
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Appears in
The Cuisine of the Sun: Classical French Cooking from Nice and Provence

By Mireille Johnston

Published 1990

  • About

In America, artichokes are seldom served without either melted butter or hollandaise sauce, but in the South of France they are served in several different ways: stuffed au gratin, à la vinaigrette, or simply seasoned.

In this version of artichauts à la barigoule (or farigoule, which is the Provençal word for thyme), small amounts of cooked vegetables and ham are wedged between the artichoke leaves, then the artichokes are simmered in white wine, vegetables, and