Preparation info
  • Serves


    As a First Course
    • Difficulty


Appears in
The Daily Mail Modern British Cookbook

By Alastair Little and Richard Whittington

Published 1998

  • About

Originally seen as a way of being creative with leftovers when the Sunday joint had to do service for several meals, potted meats were later reproduced commercially as bland pastes for sandwich fillings. You can make a fine potted meat today to serve as a first course with toast and, thanks to the food processor, do so in seconds.


  • 170 g/ 6 oz cold roast chicken
  • 85 g/ 3


Dice the chicken and the ham. Put them in a blender or food processor with 85 g/ 3 oz of the butter, and nutmeg and pepper to taste. Blitz to a smooth purée, stopping the machine and scraping down th