Preparation info
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Appears in
The Daily Mail Modern British Cookbook

By Alastair Little and Richard Whittington

Published 1998

  • About

Even though it is so easy to make, trifle remains one of our finest desserts. The secret is real custard and plenty of alcohol in the sponge base.


  • 1 Victoria sponge, split in half
  • 3 tbsp raspberry jam
  • 3 tbsp


Spread one half of the Victoria sponge with raspberry jam and the other with apricot jam. Cut each into 4 and put into a dish in which they will just fit, alternating raspberry with apricot. Pour over the brandy and sweet sherry, and leave to macerate for 2 hours.

Make a custard by bringing the milk to the boil and pouring it over the egg yolks beaten with the caster sugar, whisking. Pu