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    • Difficulty


Appears in
The Daily Mail Modern British Cookbook

By Alastair Little and Richard Whittington

Published 1998

  • About

Danish Blue is fine, Roquefort is best of all, but you can use any blue cheese. You can make the dressing less rich by using equal parts of mayonnaise and thick plain yoghurt.


  • 300 ml/ ½ pt mayonnaise
  • 3 tbsp crème fraîche or sour c


Put the mayonnaise into a bowl with the creme fraiche or sour cream and whisk in the Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco, lemon juice and black pepper. Finely chop the celery stalks, including leaves, the spring onions and chives, and add.

Finally, stir in the cheese, but not too thoroughly or it will break up and turn the dressing a weird colour.