Preparation info
    • Difficulty


Appears in

By Heston Blumenthal, Pascal Barbot, Nobu Matsuhisa and Kiyomi Mikuni

Published 2009

  • About

Niban dashi (secondary dashi) has an umami-rich taste full of body and depth. It can be used in almost any kind of cooking, with different seasonings added to accentuate its suitability. Unlike ichiban dashi, it is perfectly acceptable to prepare all the niban dashi needed for one day at the same time.


  • 1.5 L soft water
  • Left-over ma kombu and bonito flakes from the ichiban dashi


Preparation method

  1. Place the left-over kombu and dried bonito flakes from ichiban dashi into a pan and pour in the water.
  2. Heat until boiled, then turn to a low flame and simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. Strain through a thin, cotton cloth.
  4. Wring thoroughly to squeeze out the dashi.
  5. The niban dashi is ready to u