Basil Ice Cream

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Appears in
Dessert Divas

By Christine Manfield

Published 2014

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Make this ice cream in summer when basil is plentiful and flavour-some. Serve it with grilled plums or apricots, strawberries, watermelon, citrus fruits or pineapple for a simple dessert full of summery flavours.


  • 40 g basil leaves
  • minced zest of 1 orange, using a microplane
  • 50


  1. Blanch the basil leaves in a small heavy-based saucepan of boiling water, then drain. Squeeze to remove the excess water, then roughly chop and set aside.
  2. Rub the orange zest into the caster sugar in a small bowl.
  3. Heat the milk and cream in a small heavy-based saucepan over medium heat to simmering point. Using an electric mixer, whisk the egg yolks and