Salmon Croquettes

Preparation info
  • 6

    • Difficulty


Appears in
The Dooky Chase Cookbook

By Leah Chase

Published 2023

  • About

Some of my recipes call for canned salmon instead of fresh because that was the only way we were able to buy it in the country. We didn’t have fresh salmon in the ponds or stores in Madisonville. This salmon croquettes recipe is always a winner.


  • 1-lb. can pink salmon
  • 2 tbsp. butter
  • 2</


Drain and save liquid from salmon. Empty can and remove skin and bones; set aside. Melt butter in saucepot. Add flour. Stir well but do not brown flour. Add onions and continue to cook for a few minutes. Slowly add milk and continue to stir. A wire whisk works well here. Mixture must be smooth. Add beaten egg; whisk well. Add about ½ cup liquid from salmon. Mix well. Flake salmon into sauce and