Sister’s Fudge

Preparation info
    • Difficulty


Appears in
The Dooky Chase Cookbook

By Leah Chase

Published 2023

  • About

This is my sister Cleo’s fudge. She can make the best fudge in the world. It really is good fudge, but she has to have a certain pot to make it. You can’t make this fudge in any old pot according to her. It has to be that particular pot or it is not going to come out right.


  • 2 13-oz. cans evaporated milk
  • 3 cups sugar


One thing to remember about making this fudge is timing. This recipe can only be perfected with precise and undisturbed timing.

In a 5-quart saucepot, mix evaporated milk and sugar and stir well. Place the saucepot on medium heat. Timing begins at this point. Stir for 30 minutes, making sure to stir around the sides as well as the middle of the pot. After the 30 minutes of stirring, add