Persimmon Sorbet with Vodka

Preparation info
  • Serves

    6 to 8

    (Makes 1 Quart)
    Appears in
    Everything on the Table

    By Colman Andrews

    Published 1992

    • About


    • 2 cups very ripe persimmon meat (3 to 4 persimmons)
    • ½ cup sugar


    Purée persimmons and sugar together in a blender, then cook mixture in a nonreactive saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly, for about 2 minutes. Add water slowly, continuing to stir, and cook for 3 to 4 minutes longer. Remove mixture from heat and allow to cool to room temperature. Refrigerate, covered, for at least 3 hours.

    Remove mixture from refrigerator. Beat egg whites unt