Pan-Fried Sweetbreads Glazed with Veal Jus and Caramelised Turnip Clafouti

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By Franck Dangereux

Published 2004

  • About

The sweetbread is the thymus gland of a lamb or calf, and is one of the most delicious things you’ll ever eat. If we eat the rest of the animal, there is no reason for squeamishness about this.


  • 2 kg sweetbreads
  • 3 litres water
  • 4 tablespoons


It is important that the sweetbreads are very fresh and cleaned properly – a butcher will remove all the fat and membranes for you, but clean them further by boiling three litres of water in a large pot. Add salt and vinegar and put in the sweetbreads. Bring back to the boil and cook for about five minutes. The sweetbreads will stiffen, and the salt and vinegar will extract any remaining impuri