Parsnip Timbales

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


Appears in
First Impressions

By Josceline Dimbleby

Published 1984

  • About

At first people find it hard to identify these little moulds – they taste almost like a light cream cheese mixture, but the unique and excellent flavour of parsnip emerges after the first mouthful. These timbales are served cold on blanched Chinese leaves, dressed with vinaigrette.


  • 1 lb (450 g) parsnips, topped, tailed, peeled and cut up roughly
  • oil for greasing
  • 6


Heat the oven to Gas Mark 2/300°F/150°C. Boil the prepared parsnips in salted water until soft. Generously oil 6 deep ramekin or cocotte dishes (approx. 4 fl oz/