Colin aux Crevettes et aux Cèpes

Hake with Shrimps and Wild Mushrooms

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


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By Anne Willan

Published 1981

  • About

Hake is popular all along the west coast. In the Basque country it is known as ‘merlu’ rather than ‘colin’, and is prepared more simply than in this recipe - which combines it with shrimps, cèpes and a rich butter sauce resembling béarnaise.


250 g

25 g


Prepare fresh or dried cèpes*. Wash and dry the hake.

Meanwhile, make the court bouillon by putting all the ingredients in a pot and simmering them for 20 minutes. Add the hake and poach for 10 minutes or until nearly tender. Transfer the fish and a little of the court bouillon to a shallow dish, cover and keep warm. Reserve the remaining court bouillon.

Cut fresh or dried cèpes