Veau à la Bourbonnaise

Roast Veal with Olives and Mushrooms

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By Anne Willan

Published 1981

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Despite the distance from the south, olives are a popular ingredient in the Bourbonnais. Here they combine with mushrooms as a garnish for veal cooked en cocotte. If possible, wrap the veal in barding fat and tie it.


2 Tbsp oil


Set the oven at moderate (175°C/350°F). Heat the oil and butter in a heavy casserole, add the veal and brown it on all sides. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Reduce the heat, add the onion and carrot and cook slowly for 2–3 minutes or until slightly softened but not brown. Add the bouquet garni, cover the pan and cook in the oven for 1¼–1½ hours or until the meat is tender when pricked with a tw