Gratinée Lyonnaise

Onion Soup with Cheese

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


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By Anne Willan

Published 1981

  • About

Onion soup, a bistro favourite throughout France, epitomizes the hearty cooking of Lyon. A 19th-century traveller exclaimed, ‘After a meal of onion soup, sausage, a good St-Marcellin cheese and a bottle of Juliénas, nothing more is needed but a good night’s sleep.’


90 g butter


Melt half the butter in a shallow, heavy-based pan. Add the sliced onions, salt and pepper and press a piece of buttered paper or foil on top. Cover and cook gently, stirring occasionally, for 20-30 minutes or until the onions are very soft. Remove the lid and paper and continue cooking until golden; don’t allow them to burn. This browning gives flavour to the soup.

In a separate pan me