
Garlic Mayonnaise

Preparation info
  • Makes

    500 ml

    of sauce
    • Difficulty


Appears in

By Anne Willan

Published 1981

  • About

‘Aioli’ refers not only to the sauce made with garlic, egg yolks and olive oil, but also to a complete dish where the sauce is served with boned salt cod, hard-boiled eggs, squid or snails and vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, artichokes and green beans.


12-16 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped


Using a mortar and pestle, work the garlic with a little salt and pepper until smooth; then work in the egg yolks. Add the olive oil drop by drop, stirring constantly with the pestle. Once the sauce has started to thicken, the oil can be added more quickly. When half the oil has been added, stir in t