Sauce Rouille

Red Chili Pepper Mayonnaise

Preparation info
  • Makes

    125 ml

    of sauce
    • Difficulty


Appears in

By Anne Willan

Published 1981

  • About

‘Rouille’ means rust, the colour of this powerful sauce, flavoured with garlic and red chili pepper. It is served with bouillabaisse, and sometimes with Provencal fish soup. To achieve the red colour, some chefs add tomato paste.


½ dried or fresh red chili pepper or


Prepare the chili peppers*, if using, and cut them in pieces. Pound the peppers, garlic, egg yolks and a little salt in a mortar with a pestle until smooth. Work in the olive oil, drop by drop, so the sauce thickens and becomes creamy; if the oil is added too quickly, the mixture will separate. Alter