Calves’ Brains Fritters

Cervelles de Veau en Beignets

Preparation info
  • Makes


    First-Course Servings
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Glorious French Food

By James Peterson

Published 2002

  • About

In France, beignets are usually made by dipping sliced fruits into a batter, deep-frying them, and sprinkling them with powdered sugar. The same kind of frying batter can be used to fry savory things. It works particularly well with brains because the crispy outer coating provides contrasting crunch.


  • 2 calves’ brains (about ¾ pound [340 g] each)
  • salt (for soaking)


Soak the brains in cold water for 2 hours to loosen the membrane. Starting at the side, pinch the membrane and gently peel it off. It should come off quite easily unless the brains have been frozen. (If you can’t get it off, just leave it on.) Discard the membrane. Put the brains in a bowl of fresh water— enough to cover abundantly—with a small handful of salt and refrigerate them overnight. Gi