La Soupe á la Carcasse de Canard oud’oie Gras

Soup from the carcass of a fattened duck or goose

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


Appears in

By Jeanne Strang

Published 1991

  • About


For the soup

  • 1 carcass of a fattened duck or goose
  • 2 large onions
  • 350 g


First wash the carcass. Then put it into a large soup pot, broken up if need be, and cover with water. Bring slowly to the boil, skim and allow to simmer for 1 hour. Meanwhile chop all the peeled or washed vegetables and add to the soup with the bouquet and seasonings. Simmer all together for another hour and a half. At the end of this time discard the carcass, taking care to add back to the po