Le Gratin de Potiron Auvergnat

Glazed pumpkin purée

Preparation info
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    • Difficulty


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By Jeanne Strang

Published 1991

  • About

This is an enriched purée and would have been a dish on its own. The flavour is rather like a creamed carrot purée and so if served as a vegetable it is best with a slightly piquant dish in order to get the sweet and sour contrast.


  • 1 kg ( lb) pumpkin, peeled de-seeded and cubed
  • 2 teaspoons sugar<


Put the pumpkin into a pan with the sugar and 1 cm (1, inch) of water, cover and simmer for about half an hour with the lid on, until it is quite soft, dry and almost a purée. Stir until smooth and then blend in the grated cheese, flour and beaten eggs. Season.

Butter a gratin dish and spoon the purée into it. Dot the top with butter and put into a moderate oven (180°C, 350°F, Gas Mark