Preparation info
  • Makes

    1⅓ cups

    • Difficulty


    • Ready in

      5 min

Appears in
Mastering the Grill: The Owner's Manual for Outdoor Cooking

By Andrew Schloss and David Joachim

Published 2007

  • About

With a bit less salt, this brine would be drinkable! With the classic margarita flavors—tequila, lime, and orange—it is perfect for poultry and quite good on pork and fish as well. Use it whenever you want to infuse meat, poultry, or fish with a Mexican flair.


  • ½ cup water
  • ½ cup tequila
  • Juice of 1 lime



  1. Combine the ingredients in a gallon-size zipper-lock bag; seal and shake until the salt and sugar dissolve, about 30 seconds.
  2. Put the bag in a bowl just large enough to hold it snugly. Open the bag and add the meat. Seal the zipper, leaving about an inch open; push on the bag to release any trapped air through the opening, and close the zip