86 Bulgur Wheat, Beets and Bean Salad

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


Appears in
The Healthcare Chef's Knowledge

By Catherine Farinha and Chandos Elletson

Published 2024

  • About

Refreshing, simple and ready to go. Chock full of nutrition with added beans, this salad is easy to eat on the go. It is very popular in staff outlets and can be eaten away from the restaurant with ease.

A nutritious and tasty amazing grain salad.


  • 1 kg Cooked Beetroot
  • 10 g Flat Parsley
  • 10 g


Cooking Instructions

  1. Defrost soya beans overnight.
  2. Preheat oven to 180°C.
  3. Cook bulgur wheat as per manufacturer’s instructions with addition of turmeric to the water.
  4. Quarter the beetroot and add to a lined baking tray. Ma