Elderberry Syrup

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By Yvette van Boven

Published 2011

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Pick elderberries in late spring. Take scissors and a large basket with you and dive in. Make enough syrup to last you to the following spring: mixed with sparkling water this is the best tasting drink I believe I know.


  • 60 g (2 oz) elderberry blossoms, stems roughly removed
  • ½ lemon, sliced


Place the blossom umbels in a tall clean container, add the sliced lemon. Then add the lukewarm water. Slightly press the mixture down in order for the blossoms to be fully immersed in water. Leave to stand for 24 hours in a warm and sunny place. Then strain the liquid over a large pan. Slowly bring to a boil and add the sugar. Keep on stirring until all sugar is dissolved. Skim off and pour th