Club Sandwich with Cheese, Bacon, Smoked Beetroot & Celery Salad

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By Yvette van Boven

Published 2011

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For this recipe, I assume that you still have some smoked beetroot left over, otherwise you can find the recipe, or you can use precooked beetroot.


For the Celery Salad

  • ½ small celeriac or ¼ large one
  • juice of 1 lemon<


First prepare the celery salad: peel the celeriac and grate on fine setting. This is easiest with the grater in the food processor. Trickle lemon juice over it in order to prevent discolouration and then stir the other ingredients through the grated celeriac. Season the salad with salt and pepper and keep in the refrigerator until used. Rub the peel away from the beetroots and slice. Toast the