Star Anise Crème Brülée

Preparation info
  • Makes

    7 to 8

    • Difficulty


Appears in
Home Made in the Oven: Truly Easy, Comforting Recipes for Baking, Broiling, and Roasting

By Yvette van Boven

Published 2019

  • About

A great chef once said: “Can she make crème brûlée? Then she can cook.” That chef ended up having dinner at the restaurant I owned at the time, and crème brûlée was on the menu. I immediately understood what he meant. It seems like such a simple dish, but that’s deceptive; if the oven gets too hot, the egg will solidify too fast and the crème will crumble. If the oven is too cold, the crème will stay runny. Having the right egg-to-liquid ratio is also crucial, but you will learn that inform