Cardons à la Crème

Creamed Cardoons

Preparation info
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Hows and Whys of French Cooking

By Alma Lach

Published 1974

  • About

The cardoon is a relative of the artichoke without its edible flower, but grows like celery, only much taller. Cardoons are available in Italian and specialty grocery stores.


  • 1 bunch of cardoon
  • ½ lemon
  • Water
  • 2


  1. Discard tough outer stalks of the cardoon. Break off the tender, inside ones. With a potato peeler, peel the ribs, or strings, off the stalks, just like peeling celery.
  2. Cardoons turn dark (like artichokes) when cut; to prevent this, rub the cut side of a lemon over the branches as soon as they are peeled. Cut into 2-inch lengths and put into water to which ha