Albanian Liver

Preparation info
  • serves


    • Difficulty


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By Jeremy Round

Published 1988

  • About

Otherwise known as Arnavut ciğri. A popular and easy starter to ring the changes on a meze table. Serve hot, warm or tepid on a central plate for people to help themselves, or with cocktail sticks for a buffet or snacks with drinks.


  • 1 lb liver (properly lambs’, but calves’ is even better)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2


Cut the well trimmed liver into ¾in cubes. Immediately before you are ready to cook, sprinkle all over with the salt and paprika, then toss with the flour in a plastic bag so that each cube of liver is completely coated, dry and separate. If you wait at this stage, the juices seeping out of the offal w