Green and yellow layered cakes

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


Appears in
The Japanese Cookbook

By Emi Kazuko and Yasuko Fukuoka

Published 2024

  • About

The Japanese name of this colourful two-tone dessert is derived from the preparation technique: chakin-shibori, in which chakin means a pouch shape and shibori means a moulding action.


For the yolk mixture

  • 6 small (US medium) hard-boiled (hard-cooked) eggs
  • 50 g/2 oz/¼


  1. Make the yolk mixture. Shell the eggs, cut them in half and scoop the yolks into a sieve placed over a bowl. Using a wooden spoon, gently press the yolks through the sieve. Add the sugar and mix well.
  2. To make the pea mixture, cook the peas in salted boiling water for 3-4 minutes, until softened. Drain, place in a mortar and crush with a pestle.
  3. Transf