Assorted Seaweed Salad

Kaisou Salada

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


Appears in
The Japanese Cookbook

By Emi Kazuko and Yasuko Fukuoka

Published 2024

  • About

Kaisou Salada is a fine example of the traditional Japanese idea of eating: look after your appetite and your health at the same time. Seaweed is a nutritious, alkaline food and rich in fibre. Moreover, it has virtually no calories!


  • 5 g/ oz each dried wakame, dried arame and dried hijiki seaweeds
  • about 130


  1. Soak the wakame for 10 minutes in one bowl of water and, in a separate bowl of water, soak the arame and hijiki for 30 minutes together.
  2. Trim the hard end of the enokitake stalks, then cut the bunch in half and separate the stems.

  3. C