Mushroom Caviar with Garlic-Rubbed Rye Toasts

Preparation info
  • Serves


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Appears in
The Complete Guide to Traditional Jewish Cooking

By Marlena Spieler

Published 2016

  • About

Mixtures of finely chopped vegetables are known as Ikra, or caviar, and are beloved dishes in the Ashkenazi kitchen. They resemble the famous fish roe in their texture – hence the nickname – but are of course perfect vegetarian treats.


  • 10–15 g/¼–½ oz dried porcini or other well-flavoured dried mushrooms
  • 120 ml/


  1. Break up the dried mushrooms, put in a bowl and soak in the water for about 30 minutes.

  2. Heat the oil in a pan, add the fresh mushrooms, shallots and chopped garlic and fry until browned. Season with salt. Add the soaked mushrooms and