Grilled Skewered Lamb

Preparation info
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Appears in
The Complete Guide to Traditional Jewish Cooking

By Marlena Spieler

Published 2016

  • About

There is nothing to match the simple, herb- and lemon-splashed succulence of souvlakia – grilled lamb kebabs. You will find them in Israeli cafés as well as in Greece and they are utterly delicious. Souvlakia are at their best served with cucumbers, olives and a large tomato salad, along with soft pitta bread.


  • 1 small shoulder of lamb, boned and cut into 4cm/1½in cubes
  • 2–3 onions, preferably red onions
  • 2


  1. Slice the onion into quarters and then separate each quarter into pieces composed of around two to three layers each. Slice each pepper quarter in half widthways.

  2. Put the oil, lemon juice, garlic and herbs in a large bowl. Season with