Sour Rye Bread

Preparation info
  • Makes


    • Difficulty


Appears in
The Complete Guide to Traditional Jewish Cooking

By Marlena Spieler

Published 2016

  • About

Making your own starter is what gives this bread its distinctive flavour. Each time you make bread, set aside a little of the dough to act as starter for your next batch. This way the bread gets increasingly sour each time.


  • 450 g/1 lb/4 cups rye flour, plus extra for dusting (optional)
  • 450


  1. For the starter, mix the rye flour and milk together in a small bowl. Cover with clear film (plastic wrap) and leave in a warm place for 1–2 days, or until it smells pleasantly sour.
  2. To make the loaves, sift together the flour and salt into a large bowl. Next stir in the yeast. Make a well in the centre and add the butter, water and sourdough starter already pr