Preparation info
  • Serves

    4 to 8

    (about 2 pounds 900 g gnocchi )
    • Difficulty


Appears in
La Terra Fortunata

By Fred Plotkin

Published 2001

  • About

This recipe is for potato gnocchi, the standard type found in most of Italy. At their best, gnocchi are delicate, airy little pillows that should melt in your mouth. People often think that gnocchi are heavy, but this is usually the result of poor execution and oversaucing. To avoid this, coat gnocchi very lightly with sauce.


  • pounds/570 g mealy potatoes, such as Idaho
  • cups/


Boil the potatoes in water to cover until you can easily poke a fork through them. Drain, peel, and mash them.

Form a mound of potatoes on a work surface (smooth wood, formica, or marble). Let cool for 5 minutes. Then combine the potatoes with the 2½ cups/285 g flour and the salt and gently work the mixture together with your hands. Do not work the mixture more than necessary. Form a we