Monkfish with Ginger Vinaigrette

Coda di Rospo con Vinaigrette allo Zenzero

Preparation info
  • Serves


    as a main course
    • Difficulty


Appears in
La Terra Fortunata

By Fred Plotkin

Published 2001

  • About

A delicate and delicious dish served at the Trattoria agli Amici in Godia, just outside Udine. The fish can be served either cool or tepid, although the sauce must be prepared 24 hours in advance.


For the Sauce

  • Scant 5 tablespoons/70 g peeled and grated fresh ginger, with its juice
  • 4


The day before eating this dish, prepare the sauce. Combine the ginger in a bowl with the wine, lemon juice, oil, and salt. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 24 hours. Briefly blend to break up any large pieces of ginger and pass the sauce through a thin strainer. Set aside.

To prepare the fish, preheat the oven to