Cod, Shrimp and Samphire Pie

Preparation info
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By Anne Willan

Published 1989

  • About

If the sea vegetable samphire is unobtainable, green beans or asparagus may be substituted in this recipe.


  • puff pastry or quick puff pastry made with 2 cups/250 g flour
  • 2


  1. Make the puff pastry and chill it 30 minutes. Put the cream and lemon zest in a small saucepan. Scald, remove from the heat and leave to infuse, 10-15 minutes. Trim roots and wash the samphire. Blanch it in boiling salted water 2 minutes and drain.
  2. Cook the onion in the butter until soft but not brown. Add the flour and cook 2-3 minutes. Strain in the cream, of