The Silver Bullet

Preparation info
  • Serves:


    • Difficulty


    • Ready in

      5 min

Appears in
For the Love of the Land: A cook book to celebrate British farmers and their food

By Jenny Jefferies

Published 2020

  • About

Our recipe is a cocktail, like Silverton Vineyard itself. It is town and country, tradition and innovation, a beautiful fusion of flavours, fragrances and colours, in ebullient style. – Ivan Jordan


  • 25 ml vodka
  • Bottle of chilled Silverton wine
  • 1 egg white, whipped to a frot


Pour the vodka into a champagne flute and top up with the wine, leaving half an inch to the rim. Whip the egg white to a froth with the sugar, then gently pour it into the glass to create a fluffy meringue-ish top. Pour the dash of grenadine gently into the centre, then drop the jelly bean into the glass from six inches above, so it punctures the top and falls to the bottom, taking a stream of