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By Samantha Clark and Samuel Clark

Published 2014

  • About

Borani, the Iranian yoghurt dip, is an opulent dish for the senses: delectable, visually stunning and guaranteed to win over the hearts of beetroot sceptics. A firm favourite on the Morito menu.


  • 4 medium raw bunched beetroot (about 700g)
  • 1 small garlic clove, crushed to a paste with ½ teaspoon salt</


Wash the beetroot but don’t peel it, then put in a pan, cover with water and bring to the boil. Cook for about 40 minutes or until tender, topping up the water if necessary. The beetroot is ready when a sharp knife goes through easily. Drain and leave to cool. Peel the beetroot and blend in a food processor. You want some texture in the purée, so don’t over-blend. Transfer to a bowl, add the ga