Octopus, Tomatoes, Capers and Dill

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By Samantha Clark and Samuel Clark

Published 2014

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We had this mezze in Beirut, with a glass of arak. Perfect.


  • 1–1.25 kg fresh or defrosted frozen octopus, preferably double-sucker
  • 1 white onion, halved
  • 3


To prepare the octopus yourself, first slice its head, or ‘hood’, open and remove the gelatinous sac of guts from inside. Now remove the hard, black, beaky mouth, located at the centre where the 8 tentacles meet. Place the octopus in a large saucepan and add the onion, bay leaves, olive oil and enough water to cover by about 5cm. Gently simmer the octopus for 45 minutes to 1 hour or until tende