Sloe Vodka

Preparation info
    • Difficulty


Appears in
The Plagiarist in the Kitchen

By Jonathan Meades

Published 2017

  • About

Sloes are available in some supermarkets and online. Still, there’s a certain undemanding pleasure to be had in picking your own. It is pointless using gin, the flavour of whose botanicals will fight that of the sloes. Supermarket own-brand vodka is just the ticket.


  • vodka or alcool pour fruits
  • sloes
  • sugar


Prick the sloes with a pin: another undemanding pleasure, which allows you to muse on ontological embuggerances. Fill about 40 per cent of a bottle with them. The amount of sugar you use depends on what style of drink you are after. You will certainly need some sugar because the fruit is fiercely tannic. But you don’t want Malibu – do you? In any case you need to leave the liquor for 6 weeks at