Seared Squid with Chinese Watercress

Preparation info
  • Ingredients For


    • Difficulty


Appears in
Quaglino's: The Cook Book

By Richard Whittington and Martin Webb

Published 1995

  • About

Use small squid tubes for this dish. Although they are not used at Quag’s, frozen tubes are now available and they are very good if defrosted gently. Squid needs very little cooking – give it more than 40 seconds and you will need titanium dentures to bite through it.


  • 55 g / 2 oz tamarind pulp
  • 55 g / 2


Make tamarind water by putting the pulp in 100ml / fl oz of tepid water and rubbing it between your fingers until you have a thick syrup. Put through a sieve, pressing to extract as much as you can, and